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Type of Search
Where to Search
Period from to
Member name
Search phrase length shouldn't be more than 100 characters. Words having less than 3 characters, will be ignored, except for the "Whole phrase" type search, when they may be searched alltogether.
For better search, find the one most important keyword in your search term, and try to search by it first in topic titles, then if you are not satisfied, in message bodies (messages themselves).
You may specify only fragment of a word and so the search will display all words containing this fragment. Fragments may be looked up at the beginning of the words (choose "Fragments of words from the beginning" type for this) or in any part of word, incl. middle and endings (choose "Complete fragments of words" type for this). If you specify "Whole phrase", search will look up for the whole fragment of the text as you type it.
If you specify a larger number of search words, search process will take longer and the results may be less specific.
In the result list, most recent messages will be shown first. 
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